Did you know that I talk to you all the time?
A waiter comes up to his table full of Jewish women."Is
ANYTHING all right here?"
Wanna try to make up for talkin' nasty to you THIS AFTERNOON...
I do have a stragedy to ovuhcum
dah tragedy
uv DUH eboneze-like ebonological relationship wid dis thang called "POOT".
It is simply a question of my valididating my eboneze/ebonological ethninticity & tell 'EM to,
"Cut that shit out!"
I'm working on it.
You gotta know I'm excited about
SKYP TRACERS http://www.skiptracersmovie.com/&
& BEAR COUNTRY Bear Country
By Michael Vigilant Octagon Stage
Jan. 14, 20, 21, 27, 28; Feb. 3, 4, 10, 11
What if you had the opportunity to get up close and personal with legendary University of Alabama football coach Paul "Bear" Bryant? In ASF's production of Bear Country—you can. Sit in the stands and absorb the wit, wisdom and life journey of a man who became an Alabama icon and the national standard by which college football coaches are judged. Grades 9 - 12.
Gotta report numbers.
Rite now Wilbur's got 3456 views on YouTube
Buddy Buie & J.R. Cobb's video from Tommy Wilcox Outdoors using song called THE DAY BEAR BRYANT DIED has 8023 views
I gotta tell this...
This buddy of mine was disappointed this afternoon because one of our friends was not going to show up tomorrow.
I decided to stir the mud~
I said,"Well, he's shunning you. He ain't got a friend
RIGHT NOW in Tuscaloosa
& he damn sho' ain't got one in his
My buddy said,
"Yeah, you right.
He was born
This playwright named Mike Vigilant has done a play on Coach Bryant.
He explained it on YouTube & right now he has 7 views.
courtesy of http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080511/LIFESTYLE/805110304
PLAYWRIGHT RAISES CRIMSON CURTAIN ON FOOTBALL LEGENDIt's among (ed. note: SAY WHAT?!!!!)~the most daunting- and inspiring tasks Michael Vigilant has ever attempted~His new play, "Bear Country," spotlights an Alabama legend, Paul "Bear" Bryant, a wise and witty man who rose from his dirt-poor beginnings to becoming the standard by which college football coaches are judged.
"It's a daunting project because of the feelings (University of) Alabama fans and players have toward Coach Bryant," said Vigilant, a playwright who is also chief operating officer at the
Alabama Shakespeare Festival. "He changed his players' lives. They were different people when they left the program. They were champions on the field and winners in life."
And nobody has to tell Vigilant just how important it is to get Bryant's story right. While researching his subject, he has come to know many of Bryant's former players and others with close connections. Early on, when one of the former players heard about Vigilant's plans, he said, "That's great, but you better do it right!"
What impressed Vigilant most was the fact that even now, 40 years after playing for Bryant, these men still think of their coach, think of him every day.
"I can see feelings well up in their chests and their tears," the playwright said.
On Friday, "Bear Country" will have its first public reading as part of ASF's Southern Writers' Project Festival of New Plays, giving audience members an opportunity to attend and offer feedback.
According to the Paul W. Bryant Museum in Tuscaloosa, Bryant was national coach of the year three times, Southeastern Conference coach of the year eight times, coached six national championship teams, became the "winningest" coach in the history of college football in November 1981 and retired from coaching with 323 victories.
As impressive as he was on the field, Bryant's greatest accomplishment may have been the impact he made on his players and devoted fans.
With "Bear Country," Vigilant hopes to capture the spirit of this remarkable man.
Vigilant, who is originally from the West Coast, has spent the past couple of decades writing and producing plays and musicals, and he has published more than a dozen of his works, including "Cindy Cinderella" and "The Wedding Ring."
Before joining the ASF family, he was a playwright resident and public relations manager at Michigan's Meadow Brook Theatre.
He also was chief operating officer and marketing director for Detroit's historic Music Hall, where he worked with such performers as Aretha Franklin, Natalie Cole, Dionne Warwick, Burt Bacharach and Smokey Robinson. While on the Music Hall staff, Vigilant also served as chief operating officer and marketing director for the Detroit International Jazz Festival, North America's largest free jazz event.
A big sports fan, Vigilant loves football and was fully aware of Bryant and his accomplishments. And like Bryant, Vigilant has wrestled a bear. A real bear. Bryant was about 14-years-old when he agreed to wrestle a bear for $1. He earned the dollar, but the bear and its owner left town before paying up. Vigilant was a junior in college when he wrestled Victor the 640-pound bear to raise money for charity.
This experience is one of the reasons Nancy Rominger, ASF's associate director, thought Vigilant would do a great job on the play about Bryant.
"When you look at an idea for a commission, you want a playwright who can do it with honesty and treat the subject with respect," she said.
Several months ago, during a table reading of "Bear Country," Rominger said it received positive reactions. On Friday, she will have an opportunity to see what Vigilant has done since then, and she's really looking forward to that.
But few people are as eager to see "Bear Country" than Young J. Boozer III, ASF's board chairman. Bryant was his honorary godfather and his daughter's godfather. Bryant and Boozer's father, the late Young Boozer Jr., formed a close and lasting friendship when they were roommates and teammates at the University of Alabama.
Boozer admits he was taken aback when he first heard of the commission and said, "You're taking on quite a task."
Being so close to Bryant and his family, Boozer was more than willing to help Vigilant gather information, provide some perspective and connect him with players and other people who would have intimate knowledge of Bryant.
"He (Vigilant) can't afford to get it wrong. There are too many people who knew him and about his life," Boozer said. "But Mike is a great writer and has just the right feel. I have no doubt that when he finishes, it will be right."
Anywayzzzzzzzzzzz....It's knowing that your door is always open
And your path is free to walk
That makes me tend to leave my sleeping bag
Rolled up and stashed behind your couch
And it's knowing I'm not shackled
By forgotten words and bonds
And the ink stains that have dried upon some line
That keeps you in the backroads
By the rivers of my mem'ry
That keeps you ever
gentle on my mindIt's not clinging to the rocks and ivy
Planted on their columns now that binds me
Or something that somebody said
Because they thought we fit together walking
It's just knowing that the world will not be cursing
Or forgiving when I walk along some railroad track and find
That you are moving on the backroads
By the rivers of my mem'ry
And for hours you're just
gentle on my mindThough the wheat fields and the clothes lines
And the junkyards and the highways come between us
And some other woman crying to her mother
'Cause she turned and I was gone
I still might run in silence tears of joy might stain my face
And the summer sun might burn me 'til I'm blind
But not to where I cannot see you walkin' on the backroads
By the rivers flowing
gentle on my mindI dip my cup of soup back from the gurglin'
Cracklin' caldron in some train yard
My beard a roughning coal pile and
A dirty hat pulled low across my face
Through cupped hands 'round a tin can
I pretend I hold you to my breast and find
That you're waving from the backroads
By the rivers of my mem'ry
Ever smilin' ever
gentle on my mindhttp://www.johnhartford.com/index.cfmLuv ya!
"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a
new order of things."
Niccolo MachiavelliHey y'all:
I already had my peak experience for 2008...

Pompeii :Tales From An Eruption http://www.pompeiibirmingham.com/index2.html
has the potential to transform.
It did it for me.
I can recall no time since my father's death on September 14, 1972
I kept that man almost constantly in my thoughts for at least three days.
Pompeii was a big thing in my family.
We had the bell from the Isle of Capri.
We had the bronze model of the Roman Coliseum...
but the thang
that weirded me out
was that statue of Romulus and Remus.

image courtesy of http://worldhistory1b.homestead.com/files/rome_ga_romulus_and_remus.jpg
When it came to Romulus & Remus and Pompeii,
Daddy would always look at me with this evil little grin and say,
"Remember Bob, there ain't nothin' new under the sun."

My son is gonna get us tickets for Saturday or Sunday on Ticketron or something because I don't know about that stuff.
{Christopher is real hip at buying tickets.First time Christopher ever went to a rock concert, we were catering a WIDESPREAD PANIC SHOW http://www.widespreadpanic.com/
at Coleman Coliseum & I took Christopher when he just a little boy to the sound check. He immediately put his hands over his ears & WE HAD TO LEAVE! Now he's already been to 9 WIDESPREAD PANIC shows on his own!GO FIGURE!}
I got the book that describes the exhibition.
POMPEII: TALES FROM AN ERUPTION http://www.pompeiibirmingham.com/tales/tales_from_eruption.html
To have this material here is something all of Alabama can be proud of & we hope it'll
help REGIONS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regions_Center
through the session they're about to go through. {TEE-Heee!}
To me, this exhibit is the most superb thing that's ever happened here.
Christopher & Bob are going to the 'Ham fo' Pompeii dis weekend!
Guess Christopher & Bob are also gonna have to be heading down to Mobile soon for the opening of BODIES
at the Explorium. http://bodiestheexhibition.com

The Universe Within Exhibition Gives Gulf Coast Audiences a Revealing Look at the World's Most Complex Machine-- The Human Body
Extraordinary anatomical exhibition featuring
real human bodies opens
January 11MOBILE, ALA. — OUR BODY: The Universe Within, an awe-inspiring blockbuster exhibit featuring actual human bodies will premiere at the
Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center on January 11, 2008. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the elegant design of the human body's form and function up-close in an artful, compelling and dignified environment.
From DEVIL MAKE A THIRD page 122:
"Damned jackass weather. Three days till Christmas and winter still ain't headed up."
The weather never did make up its mind in Aven. Most places in the world had four seasons of the year. In Aven, though, God had given them only two seasons, summer and winter. Spring couldn't be called a season proper because spring frolicked right into summer so sweetly it was like a twinkle in a child's eye just suddenly being
a smile. And autumn! Autumn was a faker in a red and yellow jacket whose flaunted colors faded and ran in the first winter rain. Then winter wouldn't make up its mind until it was almost past time for it. December would come along and the calender would say it was time for frost to sweeten the persimmons, but the soft winds from the Gulf would tell the possums to wait a little longer near the burdening tree on the fence line, and the hot sun would say there wasn't much use in hilling your sweet potatoes. The farmers would come in the store all out of heart, eyeing the meat block and growling, "By killin' time, the hogs'll 've et up all the corn an' there won't be no meal to eat with the meat."
Devil Make A Third
& ya might learn something 'bout yo' OWN DAMN
RR http://myspace.com/robertoreg