Johnny's Restuarant was at 2400 Univ. Blvd.,
the Deep South Lounge was at 2402 Univ. Blvd. and
Roy's Place was at 2404 Univ. Blvd.
The Tuscaloosa Cinema was at 2408 Univ. Blvd.
Looking West At the Intersection of Greensboro Avenue and University Boulevard Left to Right: 2414 Univ. Blvd (Tucker Motor Co.), 2410 Univ. Blvd. (Fitts Yellow Cab), 2408 Univ. Blvd. (Dunn's Wholesale Florist), 2406 Univ. Blvd. (The Blossom Shoppe), 2404 Univ. Blvd. (Roy's Place), 2400 Univ. Blvd. (Deep South Lounge & Johnny's Restaurant)
source: 1963 Tuscaloosa City Directory
From the August 31, 1972 issue of the Crimson-White~
Stones show Hard to followby Courtney Hayden
C-W Staff Writer
We need a little affirmation around here.
Yes! October first in the Coliseum!
And that's just a small example of the mirthful wordplay that's bound to erupt from the apprentice comedians around here as the first of October approaches.
Yes, of course.
Something to clear out the stardust the Stones left behind!
Really, what could follow the majestic decadence of the Stones' show?
Henry Kissinger with Doug Clark and the Hot Nuts maybe,
but nobody else extant on the Hit Parade.
So let's get away from wallowing in the spectacle and back to enjoying sheer musicianship.
Not many showmen left, but there're loads of great musicians around right now.
Consider Yes.
Four albums and a fifth on the way.
Their first album had liner notes by Tony Wilson of Melody Maker who had two choices for stardom way back in 1969:
Led Zeppelin and Yes.
Classy prophesies.
The succeeding albums were lush with great arrangement and catchy riffs and went practically nowhere with the masses.
But cometh "Roundabout", a single with Teen Appeal from the Fragile album, their most recent. Rick Wakeman's devastating keyboard work transformed the normally tight musicianship into breathtaking perfection.
The ideal fusion of classical music and rock; it's got a backbeat, you can't lose it, but you'll sure get spacy keeping up with it.
The awesome, ethereal Yes balanced perfectly by The Eagles, second-billed and hitbound as well. The Eagles used to back up Linda Ronstadt, and evolved into the tightest L.A. country-rock band.
Given the bustup of the Burritos, the paucity of Poco and the general cocaine insipidity on the coast, Eagles are probably preeminent on...
the Scene.Where Yes tiptoe around T. Wolfe's Edge City, the Eagles hang out in places
like Winslow, Arizona,
and Jackson Browne's parlor.
Earthy sensitive rock, not as wimpy as James Taylor,
but not as hardnosed as Commander Cody.
"Take It Easy" by the Eagles might well be a single of the year as far as catchy story telling goes, much more touching than "American Pie", the recent classic in the genre (but listen, oh listen, to Rod Stewart's "True Blue", a beautiful hair raiser).
Long, smooth roller-coaster ride for first October's enjoyment; swooping down into country consciousness of the Eagles,
then powering upward toward the frontier with Yes.
You'll glide for weeks afterward.
Look, that's all the hype you need right now.
Autumn's coming on, everybody's cooling out, smiling a little more.
There's plenty of good music in the meantime in Tuscaloosa:
Brownwood, wherever they gig;
Tippy Armstrong's http://www.myspace.com/tippyarmstronghanging out with Buttermilk;
and there that nice aggregation called Saloon.
Find some places to hang out.
Listen to Boz Scaggs and Mott the Hoople and Davie Bowie and Weather Report and Al Green.
And, oh yeah, the radio, too.
We'll keep you posted.
Wilcox http://tommywilcox.com/website/index.htm
was jogging on campus today so I pulled THE EXPLODER up next to him, yelled, "Hey, Tommy!" & told him how much we appreciated him putting the clip of THE DAY BEAR DIED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCAq3D-AAbU&feature=related
on YouTube.
He said he was glad we appreciated it and I got a big smile out of him when I told him we had over 1600 views.
Article recently in the Oregonian regarding Kesey’s last book. Thought you might enjoy the article which is set out below.
Jim Tiger
http://www.rhus.com/doster.html Duncan Tiger & Niegel, PC
Attorneys at Law
582 E. Washington St
PO Box 248
Stayton, Oregon 97383
Babbs said this week that's there's a demand to republish it. I'll send details
LAST GO ROUND, the novel Kesey and I wrote about the Pendleton Roundup of 1911 is getting a push to be reprinted. Here's an article in the Portland Oregonian about it:
On the left, the black cowboy, George Fletcher, on the right, the Yakima Indian cowboy, Jackson Sundown. 
On the left, the Tennessee cowboy, Johnny Spain, on the right, the mudsplattered gawker.
images courtesy of http://skypilotclub.com

Ken Kesey rounds up a legend and lets 'er buck
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Oregonian
W hen Ken Kesey died in 2001, he was remembered as the author of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and as the original Merry Prankster, the leader of an LSD-fueled bus trip across America that brought the Sixties to Day-Glo life and was captured in Tom Wolfe's classic "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test."
Little attention was paid to his greatest artistic achievement, his novel "Sometimes a Great Notion," and almost no mention was made of anything else he did. The consensus was that Kesey wrote two books, goofed around on an old school bus and faded into irrelevance. The brilliant sparks that flashed off him in the morning of his life flickered out in the twilight.
The truth is more complicated, of course, and evidence that Kesey was more than a flash in the pan has long been overlooked. Kesey not only made his life a work of art but continued to create in the way he loved best, by telling stories. He loved tall tales and was skilled at acting them out for children, especially "Little Tricker the Squirrel Meets Big Double the Bear," and he was obsessed by a rodeo story he first heard when he was 14 from his father.
Fred Kesey liked to take his sons hunting in the Ochocos, and one year they got delayed by traffic heading for the Pendleton Round-Up. Later, once they'd settled in around a campfire, Ken Kesey first heard about the 1911 Round-Up, when George Fletcher, an African American cowboy who grew up on the Umatilla reservation; Jackson Sundown, a Nez Perce who was a nephew of Chief Joseph and was wounded in the 1877 war against the U.S. Army; and John Spain competed for the saddle bronc championship. Spain was awarded first place and a new saddle even though the crowd thought Fletcher had the best ride. Umatilla County Sheriff Tillman Taylor averted a riot by tearing up Fletcher's hat and selling pieces of it so Fletcher, the people's champion, could have a saddle equal to Spain's.
Kesey heard the story again from his father when he attended his first Round-Up a few years later, and again from an Indian named David Sleeping Good when he went to the Round-Up to research a documentary for a screenwriting class at the University of Oregon.
Kesey loved the Round-Up and loved the story of the three cowboys -- one black, one white, one Indian -- competing for the saddle bronc championship. He loved Charles Wellington Furlong's 1921 book "Let 'Er Buck: A Story of the Passing of the Old West," and was fascinated by the history surrounding the event. His first thought was to write a movie script, and a draft of a script called "Last Go Round" was circulated in the 1980s. It apparently was sent to Morgan Freeman, among others, but nothing came of it, and Kesey withdrew it and decided to write the story as a novel with his friend Ken Babbs.
"Last Go Round" was published in 1994. It takes the story of Fletcher, Sundown and Spain, adds Buffalo Bill, champion wrestler Frank Gotch, legendary Indian preacher Parson Montanic, cowgirl Prairie Rose Henderson and dozens of other real-life characters from the Old West and throws them all into a bubbling fictional stew. A generous selection of vintage photographs from the early days of the Round-Up were included, showing Sundown and Fletcher and Spain in their hat-slinging, spurs-flying glory days.
The novel is tons of fun to read and reflects Kesey's love of wordplay. It's narrated by Spain, who's presented as a naive kid from the South taken under the experienced wings of Fletcher and Sundown. Buffalo Bill is the bad guy who wants to corrupt the Round-Up. The conclusion is slam-bang and wistful, as Spain looks back on a time when he and the Round-Up were young.
"Last Go Round" was Kesey's final novel, and many people weren't sure what to think of it. A review in The New York Times said, "Mr. Kesey has produced a pulp-thin plot . . . together with an excess of episode, inflated atmosphere and wonders of prowess. . . ." The Oregonian said that while it was "no match for his early masterpieces, certainly (it) has a renewed strong voice we may all enjoy." In Pendleton and elsewhere, there were complaints that Kesey and Babbs played fast and loose with the facts, forgetting that "Last Go Round" is a novel and that in an author's note Kesey explained that they chose "to conjure our three spectral riders out of the old tall tales, told over hot coffee around a warm campfire, instead of the cold facts and half-baked truths served up by library stacks."
In an e-mail interview, Babbs said he and Kesey went to the Round-Up in 1979 and "shot stills and made tape recordings, doing background" for the movie script. After Kesey withdrew it, they worked on the novel together.
"When we were doing the book tour, someone always asked what I did as the research assistant and I responded with a smile, which put a pained look on Kesey's face," Babbs said. "The way we did it, I started off on the novel, writing, then passed it to Kesey, who rewrote by hand, then back to me to retype on the word processor, back to him, ping-ponging until we were happy with that section, then on to the next."
The story of Fletcher, Sundown and Spain and the 1911 Round-Up continues to fascinate people. Cedric Wildbill, a Umatilla Indian who as a child was befriended by Fletcher, made a documentary about it with his wife, Tania, called "American Cowboys" that won several awards. Fletcher and Sundown were recently inducted into the National Cowboys of Color Hall of Fame. A copy of Kesey's script was offered for sale by noted rare book dealer Ken Lopez for $1,750 last year. "Last Go Round" lives on.
"Kesey and I both liked the book, and everyone who reads it says the same thing," Babbs said. "But the book industry being what it is, lots of books get remaindered and that's the end of them except for what's in the libraries."
Jeff Baker: 503-221-8165; jbaker@news.oregonian.com. This is the second in a series of articles on Lost Northwest Books. The next, on the journals of explorer David Douglas, will appear in a few weeks. Reader suggestions are welcome at books@news.oregonian.com.
©2008 The Oregonian
Forgot I'd posted these from Paul Cochran's website

photo courtesy of
http://paulcochran.comStanding: Robert Nix, J.R. Cobb
Seated: Bobby Peterson, Buddy Buie & Rodney Justo