Sorry 'bout dem ducks.
Whoever plays your part in the movie might get the Academy Award if he plays this scene right!
You & I have been corresponding now for about 10 years.
Now I'd like to axe you some queerstions just like all those students do.
-- Robert Register
Question #7:
What do you remember about the moment this photo was taken?

touchup by John Earl http://www.photographybyearl.net
image courtesy of http://www.lib.virginia.edu/small/exhibits/sixties/kesey.html The ancestral mansion at last with plumes of red and blue and green smokescreens swirling about the towers and lawns and Cassady calling, "Here's comes the Wiesenheimer," talking about me extolling upon the marvels of the palatial mannerisms but not for long for we had been up too long on the too many furlong miles behind miles to go yak me fast yak me slow and nap upon the lawn and bathe in the creek, under the waterfall, tootle your flute, Highly Visible, go yon to mystery third floor, Sound Man, scratch betwixt the toes, Swash Buckler, tap the ground with your staff not much ryhthm but you gotta dance with em, Intrepid Traveler, contemplate the lovely lass, Equipment Hassler, days are long and many corridors still to explore.
Finally, Peggy Hitchcock invites some of them over to her house, a big modern house, known as The Bungalow, off from the gingerbread manse. Babbs is one of them. Babbs and the Pranksters are not ready for a lazy afternoon in the country, meditative or not. Inside The Bungalow, Babbs came upon a big framed photograph on the wall, looking like a Yale class picture from the year '03, a lot of young fellers seated, in tiers, in a clump and staring full-face at the camera.
"There's Cassady!" says Babbs.
"There's Hassler!"
"There's Kesey!"
"There's Sandy!"
They found every single man on the bus in the picture, while the Learyites looked on, tolerantly, and Babbs got the idea of "The Prankster's Ancestral Mansion."
The Learyites were going to take them on a tour of the great gingerbread mansion, but it became Babb's tour. He started leading it.
"Now ladies and gentlemen," he said," we are embarked upon the first annual tour of the Prankster's Ancestral Mansion. Now over here you may regard"-
he points to a big lugubrious oil portrait, or something of the sort, up on the wall-
"one of the Pranksters' great forefathers, sire and scion of the fabulous line, the fabulous lion, Sir Edward the Freak. Sir Edward the Freak, a joke in his own time. I've heard if he got aroused, he would freak a whole block of the city, Sir Edward the Freak-"
-and so on, while the Learyites tagged along, looking more and more dour, as if they sensed disaster, Babbs looking more and more animated, rapping off everything, the ancestral staircase, the ancestral fireplace, his rheostat eyes turning up to 300 watts-
-then down to one of the four "meditation centers" little sanctums where the Learyites retreated for the serious business of meditation upon inner things-
"-and now, for this part of our tour, the Crypt Tour-"And the Pranksters started rapping off the Crypt Tour, while Babbs entered into a parody rendition of THE TIBETAN BOOK OF THE DEAD. This was one of the Learyite's most revered texts.
"This is where we take our followers to hang them up when they're high," says Babbs, "the Crypt Trip." The clear message was Fuck you, Millbrook, for your freaking frostiness.
Hey y'all:
Looking forward the THE TIDE'S last '07 game in T-town tomorrow.
There's gonna be a lot of talk this next year about socialized medicine.
There's no reason for it.
When people say let market forces control this thing, they are talking about the strangle hold the AMA has on med schools. We could double the number of doctors coming out of med school & it would not change a damn thing in terms of quality of medical care from the professional.
Hell, we turn out LAWYERS by the TON!Why can't we do the same thing with medical doctors?
Here at Pake Realty, I don't have to worry about health care because I have the Pake Realty DGS-DGH Health Insurance Policy(
Hurt), therefore, I pay my doctor when I go to see him plus I use the emergency room, Emergicare, Maude Whatley Health Services and the walk-in clinic at the Tuscaloosa County Health Department.
If you want to know what free health care is like, go get the AIDS test.
In Tuscaloosa, don't worry about going to the walk-in clinic, you gotta go to the STD Clinic.
Now this is a piece of work.
No lawn maintenance. No litter control.
Walk around the building to the employee's parking lot behind the gate with the barbed wire, walk all the way around the building to the air conditioners, walk through the door, pick a number and wait.
It's free.
In 10 business days you'll find out whether you have the AIDS but while you wait to be tested, you ain't gonna like the 12 by 12 waiting room with 8 other people in it & you ain't gonna like the unprofessional way in which you are treated.
There are ways to get out of this medical care mess but the government ain't the answer.
Please take a few moments out of your busy day and spent a few hours at the capitol in Montgomery during the legislative session.
You'll never be the same.
It is totally dysfunctional & Caesar Hubbert sits in the gallery giving 'em thumbs up, thumbs down like he was in the Roman Coliseum.