Yo recuerdo mucho.
Here's an excerpt from Wings of Denial published by NewSouth http://www.newsouthbooks.com/books/wd_trestdodd/excerpt.htm
I know I promised ya'll I'd get a photo of American college professors schmoozing it up with some of Fidel's Politburo flunkies but I have failed to find exactly what I was looking for so I am giving up my quest for a perfect photo of a professor kissing Castro's ass for one simple reason. It is too disgusting to look over the hits you pull up when you type "cuba course university partnership" into google. The ones from Canada are especially nauseating but I did find something comparably sick from right here in the good old U. S. of A. The following is a description of a trip to Cuba by a member of St. Paul, Minnesota's Hamline University Class of 2001. Her name is Timeka Rumph and she was very upset that she and her fellow students had to fly all the way to Jamaica in order to make connections to Fidel's Cuba. Here is a portion of what Timeka had to say:
From the Crimson-White website...University establishes relationship with Cuba
Now that CUBA,ALABAMA is entering its third month on the Net, many of my loyal Cubanologists are requesting a return of items which have dropped off the page. Even if I spent money(haven't spent a dime on this thing yet-put that in your pipe and smoke it, all you "professional academics" out there with your idiotic disparaging attitude toward "amateurs" like me), an upgraded Blog would still produce difficulties in retrieving Cuba,Alabama archives. Therefore, send all requests for archives to robertoreg@hotmail.com, and I will gladly scratch around in the old Blog and dig up all you want. Many of you will notice a rerun of old images on the current page. This was done in response to my muchachos' request for stuff that had dropped off the page. I leave you now to search for photos on the Net of effete intellectual snobs sitting around elegant rooms in Havana sucking up to FIDEL'S POLITBURO SYCOPHANTS(what a joke-and just think-they bring pictures of castro home as souvenirs of havana)
AMAZING!!!! A story of improbable connections between events. A Russian immigrant's banana venture in Alabama leads ultimately to the Bay of Pigs invasion!
http://www.unitedfruit.org/zemurray.htmlTHE WILD STORY OF SELMA'S SAM, THE BANANA MAN
UI expert finds novel written by a Southern belle
from http://scribblguy.50megs.com/ruby.htm
French refugees from the West Indies, white and black, who had fled from the St. Domingue rebellion to Cuba, arrived in the Louisiana territory after 1809 when the Spanish government expelled them from Cuba. More than 3,000 slaves and 3,000 free people of color along with a small number of whites settled in New Orleans. The existing community of free blacks in New Orleans were outnumbered by the French immigrants and conflicts arose over culture and societal norms.
1864 Nemiso Guillo returns from school in Mobile, Alabama. He brings a bat and baseball in his trunk.
Pulled this out of my bag of tricks this morning: Restitution of Property In Cuba: Lessons Learned From East Europe by G. Douglas Harper. I haven't read the complete paper, however, it appears to approach a description of Post-Communist/Post-Castro Cuba. http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/cb/cuba/asce/cuba9/harper.pdf