Friday, August 24, 2007


Great pics!
I vividly remember those outfits...I liked them...but then again...I was wearing powder blue pants and boots!
HA! It is great to see the closet elf on organ again..he was funny.
I did notice something on the photo...the old EV mike (Ricky Nelson style mike).
I had forgotten how long we used them.
Good to see people dancing while the CM were on break.
One more thing...the Par Tee sign

We would welcome the CM back to the stage after our set by saying
"You've been listening to the sounds of 2 bands".
Only time we lost our billing....sometimes life just ain't fair :-).
Again thanks to you, Justo & Nix for sharing these wonderful pics!

BB (the bluebeatle from the Limestone Lounge @

You gotta be part of the inner sanctum if you know about "the closet elf".

How weird is THAT?!!!!



Back in thee day, we were ALL brother players.
The 2 or so weeks we played with the CM we were just 2 R&R groups that were pretty damn good and respected each other.
We shared a lot of "inner sanctum" intimacies.

The closet elf had his hiding place in the closet with popcorn watching the "headliners" do their THANG.

That was the beauty of the Par matter who you brought a bond to whoever walked through the door.
It truly was a time where you had to be there...and the CM were there to add their memories to a wonderful club.
I know they remember it more than a lot of other stops along the way because it was a place that each became part of
while leaving a small piece of themselves behind.

It was an honor to be a part of the "INNER SANCTUM".


Dear Robert,
The book you bought in Chipley at the antique store "by the preacher's wife," Ann Williams Warrick, is one that has impressed my husband, Joe, and me so very much.

We were both charmed with the details of her personal reminiscence, interesting anecdotes and history of the Cove area of Panama City where we spend about half of every week in our townhouse here on Massalina Bayou.

The story of the strength of family during adversity is truly inspirational.

I think Tides should be required reading to help us all appreciate our many blessings and, perhaps, be guided on how we should respond when our family members come upon hard times.

In addition to all the above, it is a serious primary source for historians on the lifestyle of residents of Panama City during the early 20th century.

A copy of the book resides in Mrs. Warrick's home church, First Methodist Church, here in Panama City.

It has never been checked out.

Joe was so impressed that he has tried to follow up on the story to find out where the major characters have wound up.

You really stumbled upon a treasure in that antique store.

We are working with the Bay County Historical Society with hopes of having the book reprinted so that others might enjoy this delightful book.

In order to get our own copy, our nearly 90 year old friend Ann Cook Humphreys, proprietress of the Ageless Book Shoppe on Florida Avenue, finally sold us her own copy of the book.
(She had a spell with her heart and thought of it almost as a bequest, I think, the book is so rare and hard to find.)

Thank you for sharing that little tidbit.

Sharman Ramsey

Now I wonder why Intel calls one of its chips Dothan?
A mystery for you to solve for your blog.

Inside Intel's Dothan Tech Guide in Components Reviews at ...
Intel's latest processor brings together several important lines of innovation
within the company. Dothan -- more properly, a trio of Pentium M Processors ...,1000001694,39154053,00.htm

Intel Dothan Processor Table
Intel's Dothan chip is the successor to Banias on a .09 micron process, expected
with a big 2 MB of L2 cache made possible by the .09 micron process. ...

Intel's Dothan Makes Its Late Debut | Gear Digest
Perhaps another reason was that OEMs still had too many of the "old" Banias and
Pentium 4M CPUs in stock, which led Intel to delay Dothan for tactical ...

Also see dothan processor dothan cpu



The designer's momma was from Dothan.



There is a type of dirt named after Dothan -- no joke! Read this, from


Established Series

The Dothan series consists of very deep, well drained, moderately slowly to slowly permeable soils that formed in thick beds of unconsolidated, medium to fine-textured marine sediments of the Coastal Plain. These soils are on broad, nearly level to strongly sloping uplands. Slopes range from 0 to 12 percent. Near the type location, the average annual precipitation is about 53 inches and the average annual air temperature is about 65 degrees F.

TAXONOMIC CLASS: Fine-loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Plinthic Kandiudults

TYPICAL PEDON: Dothan loamy sand, in a smooth cultivated field. (Colors are for moist soil.)

Ap--0 to 6 inches; dark grayish brown (10YR 4/2) loamy sand; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many fine roots; strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. (6 to 12 inches thick)

BE--6 to 13 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) sandy loam; massive in upper 2 inches, weak medium subangular blocky structure below; very friable; many fine roots; strongly acid; gradual smooth boundary. (0 to 11 inches thick)

Bt1--13 to 28 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) sandy clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; firm; many fine roots; few faint clay films on ped faces; strongly acid; diffuse smooth boundary.

Bt2--28 to 33 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/8) sandy clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; common fine roots; common faint clay films on ped faces; few plinthite nodules; common medium distinct strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) and yellowish red (5YR 4/6) masses of iron accumulation; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. (Combined thickness of the Bt horizons ranges from 15 to 36 inches.)

Btv--33 to 60 inches; variegated yellowish brown (10YR 5/8), strong brown (7.5YR 5/8), red (2.5YR 4/8), yellow (10YR 7/8), and very pale brown (10YR 8/2) sandy clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; compact in place; many fine roots; common faint clay films on ped faces; about 15 percent by volume, red (2.5YR 4/8) plinthite nodules; the areas of yellowish brown, strong brown, red, and yellow are areas of iron accumulations; the areas in shades of very pale brown are iron depletions; strongly acid.

TYPE LOCATION: Houston County, Alabama; inside city limits of Dothan, about 0.75 mile northeast of Southeast General Hospital between U. S. Highway 84 and Alabama Highway 52; NE1/4, SW1/4, SE1/4 of Sec. 20, T. 3 N., R. 27 E.

RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness ranges from 60 to more than 80 inches. Depth to horizons that contain 5 percent or more plinthite ranges from 24 to 60 inches. Content of ironstone pebbles range from 0 to 5 percent by volume in the A horizon and upper part of the B horizon. Soil reaction ranges from very strongly acid to moderately acid throughout except where lime has been added.

The Ap horizon has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 2 to 4. Some pedons have a thin A horizon with value of 3 or 4. Texture is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loamy fine sand, loamy sand, or sand.

The E horizon, where present, has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 5 to 7, and chroma of 3 to 6. Textures are the same as the Ap horizon.

The BE or BA horizon, where present, has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 5 or 6, and chroma of 3 to 8. Texture is fine sandy loam or sandy loam.

The Bt horizon has hue of 7.5YR to 2.5Y, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 4 to 8. Texture is fine sandy loam, sandy loam, or sandy clay loam. The upper 20 inches of the Bt horizon contains 18 to 35 percent clay and less than 20 percent silt. Mottles in shades of brown or red range from few to common.

The Btv horizon has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 4 to 8; or it has no dominant matrix color and is varieaged in shades of red, yellow, brown, and gray. A matrix hue of 2.5YR, 5YR, or 7.5YR is allowed below a depth of 40 inches. Texture is commonly sandy clay loam but includes clay loam or sandy clay. Content of nodular or platy plinthite ranges from 5 to 35 percent by volume.

COMPETING SERIES: These include the Tifton series in the same family and the Baxterville, Malbis, and Notcher series in closely related families. Tifton soils are on similar positions but have more than 5 percent ironstone pebbles in the upper part of the solum. Baxterville, Malbis, and Notcher soils have more than 20 percent silt in the particle-size control section.

GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Dothan soils are on side slopes and ridgetops on uplands of the Coastal Plain. Slopes range from 0 to 12 percent. They formed in thick beds of unconsolidated, medium to fine-textured marine sediments. The climate is warm and humid. The average annual air temperature ranges from 63 to 68 degrees F., and the average annual precipitation ranges from 48 to 60 inches.

GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These include the competing Tifton series and the Ardilla, Cowarts, Fuquay, Norfolk, Orangeburg, Varina, and Wicksburg series. Ardilla soils are on slightly lower positions and have low chroma mottles within 30 inches of the surface. Cowarts soils, on more sloping areas, have a thinner solum and do not have horizons with more than 5 percent plinthite. Fuquay and Wicksburg soils are on side slopes and have a sandy epipedon more than 20 inches thick. Norfolk and Orangeburg soils are on similar positions as but have less than 5 percent plinthite within 60 inches of the surface. In addition, Orangeburg soils have a redder hue. Varina soils are on lower positions and have a clayey particle-size control section.

DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Well drained; moderate in the Bt horizons and moderately slow to slow in the Btv horizons.

USE AND VEGETATION: Most areas have been cleared and are used for the production of corn, cotton, peanuts, vegetable crops, hay, and pasture. Forested areas are in longleaf pine, loblolly pine, sweetgum, southern red oak, and hickory.

DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Coastal Plain of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
The series is of large extent.


SERIES ESTABLISHED: Houston County, Alabama; 1965.

REMARKS: The 1/89 revision changed the classification from Paleudults to Kandiudults in recognition of the low activity clay amendment.

Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are:

Ochric epipedon - Ap and BE horizons (0 - 13 inches).
Kandic horizon - Bt1, Bt2, and Btv horizons (13 - 60 inches).
Plinthic feature - Btv horizon (33 - 60 inches).

SIR = AL0010, AL0116

National Cooperative Soil Survey


I didn't know this before, but there is a
Dothan, Texas. Yes, I did a Google search on "Dothan" to see what would come up.


Dothan, near the Callahan county line seven miles west of Cisco in northwestern Eastland County, is on the former site of a depot established as Delmar when the Texas and Pacific Railway built through the area in 1880. Within a year or two, Delmar apparently ceased to exist, as the focus of local rail activity shifted to Red Gap and then to Cisco in 1882. A new community named Dothan sprang up at the site and gained a post office in 1902. A school was established soon afterward, and by 1915 Dothan reported a population of fifty. The community's school was closed in 1940, by which time the population had declined to twenty, a level it still retained in 1990 and 2000.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Homer Stephen, The Frontier Postmasters (Dublin, Texas: Dublin Progress, 1952).


From: robert register []
Sent: August 21, 2007 19:50
Subject: RE: Another Interesting Fact

Dothan was the site of the first example of human slavery in the Bible.
Joseph's brothers wanted to kill Joseph because he was the favorite of
Jacob, they Daddy, but Judah said,
"Naw man,no reason tuh killt the dude.
We can make some money off uv his white ass
by selling him to the Middianites
over by Dothan."


>From: "William Arthur Wheatley"
>To: "robert register"
>Subject: RE: Another Interesting Fact
>Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 11:30:26 -0400

Actually, it wasn't the first,
although it was the first reference to selling someone into slavery.
Remember the story of Abraham?
He left Mesopotamia with his family, and his manservants and his maidservants
(manservants and maidservants in ancient times were slaves) to seek a land
promised to his descendants by God.
As he wandered and grew old without any
offspring, he finally took his wife, Sarah's, advice and bedded a slave
girl, Hagar, as a concubine, begetting Ishmael. Later, his wife gave him a
son, Isaac. One day Sarah was angered by seeing Ishmael mocking or playing
with Isaac (the Hebrew word is ambiguous, and she asked Abraham to expel
and his mother, saying: "Get rid of that slave woman and her son, for that
slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac."
Abraham resisted, because he loved Ishmael as well as his son, Isaac, but
finally gave in and send Hagar and Ismael off into the desert with food and

Ishmael became the father of the Arabs, and Isaac became the father
of the Jews.


From: robert register []
Sent: August 24, 2007 20:48
Subject: RE: Another Interesting Fact

I appreciate the correction.
So as I understand it,
was the site of the first slave sale described
in the Bible.




Wednesday, August 22, 2007

by Robert Register

Le Bouf
August 1st, 1794
"My Dear Sally,
...We live here like a parcel of Monks, or Hermits, and have not a woman of any complexion among us-our linnen is dirty, our faces, and hands brown, and to complete the picture, our beards are generally long-
O sweet Woman!
without thee man is a Brute,
& society a blank:
thou shapest man into a valuable being, and directeth his ambition to useful pursuits.
Can that man be possessed of rational sensibility who adoreth not a woman?
I am Dear Sally your
Affectionate Husband."
[Andrew Ellicott]

In our present age in which political expediency and twisted syntax replace legal proof and Biblical morality, it's almost refreshing to hear the old axiom, "There's nothin' new under the sun."

As one contemplates the following story, the self-evident truth of this old maxim applies once more to the unwavering foibles of the condition that goes by the title, "Human Nature."

As we contemplate more than 200 years of American dominion over this land we call "home",
we can find comfort in knowing that our ancestors had ample opportunity to witness the shortcomings of their leaders. So it was with the 1811 court martial of General James Wilkinson, Commanding General of the U.S. Army and, arguably, the most greedy, deceitful and devious rascal to ever walk across the stage of West Alabama history.

General Wilkinson's career in West Alabama was brief, but consequential. Under orders of President Thomas Jefferson, Wilkinson traveled during the summer of 1802 to the ruins of the old Spanish Fort Confederation near present-day Epes in Sumter County. By October he had produced a treaty that proved that in the future his powers of salesmanship would never be equalled by any slick selling cars or trailers on Skyland Blvd.

The ink on the yellowed paper of the treaty sez it all:

"...the said Choctaw Nation, for, and in consideration of one dollar, to them in hand paid, by the said United States, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby release to the said United States, and quit claim forever, to all that tract of land..."

In other words, with language lifted from an Alabama used car sale before the title law, Wilkinson picked up one-and-a-half-million acres in present-day Southwest Alabama, "in consideration of one dollar."

Almost nine years later, on April 10th, 1811, General Wilkinson took the offensive in one of the greatest feuds between men who shaped Alabama history. His legal arguments bore strange fruit in a federal courtroom in Frederick, Maryland. General Wilkinson, commander of the U.S. Army for seventeen years (1796-1813) was on trial for being the notorious secret agent "Number 13" for the King of Spain. Wilkinson, who would later claim Mobile for the U.S. from Spain in 1813, had spent more than two decades taking Spanish money in exchange for privileged information and now he was about to be convicted of treason. Options were of the essence so Wilkinson played "his ace in the hole."

Wilkinson's hidden ace was Thomas Freeman, Surveyor General of Mississippi Territory and the namesake of the Freeman Line passing east to west through Montevallo which separates North & South Alabama to this day.

The entire case for the government hinged on the testimony of Major Andrew Ellicott, the former commissioner for the United States during the first American survey of Alabama soil in 1799. During the survey of this first Southern Boundary of the U.S., Ellicott had intercepted a letter which proved Wilkinson was on the take.

Freeman, the man who established the Huntsville Meridian upon which every North Alabama property line is now based (including the lines which keep my neighbors off uv me here in Tuscaloosa as I type),
had a grudge to pick with Ellicott. Ellicott had fired Freeman during the U.S. Southern Boundary survey so the court martial was an opportunity for Freeman to get some payback.

Freeman testified that during the entire 1796-1800 survey of the first southern boundary of the United States, Andrew Ellicott and his son, Andrew Jr., employed
"a prostitute of the lowest grade" to share their camp cot during their trip through the wilderness. This testimony produced "the utter demolition of the character of the eminent astronomer."

It didn't matter that Ellicott could prove that Wilkinson was on the take. All the jury heard were salacious tales of the government's chief prosecution witness having "a beastly, criminal and disgraceful intercourse with a harlot."

What follows are excerpts from Thomas Freeman's sworn deposition:

Question: Did you know a woman called Betsy who sat at Mr. Ellicott's table?
What station did she appear to occupy in Mr. Ellicott's family, and what was her known character?

Answer: I did know the woman called Betsy who sat at Mr. Ellicott's table. She appeared to occupy the position of washerwoman to the party. Her known character was that of a prostitute,
and of the lowest grade.

Question: Did you observe and particular familiarity and attentions, in the intercourses of the said prostitute, with Ellicott and his son, and what was the age of the boy? Be particular in time, place and circumstances.

Answer: I did observe frequent, particular familiarities and attentions in the intercourse of Ellicott and his son and said prostitute. I cannot now, from recollection, be very particular in
time, place and circumstance. The boy appeared to be nearly full grown, of about nineteen years of age. I recollect that Ellicott introduced the woman, Betsy, to Governor Gayoso, on his first visit to the barge after we landed at Natchez [February 24, 1797: ed.];
and, as far as their conduct (Ellicott & son) came within my observation afterward, they continued to pay mutual friendly and familiar attentions to her.
It was said and generally believed that extraordinary trio:
father, son and washerwoman,
slept in the same bed at the same time-
I did not see,
but I believed it.
I was even pressed by the old sinner, Ellicott, to take part of his bed with himself and the washerwoman, for the night.

Question: Was it not your opinion and that of all the other gentlemen of the party, that Ellicott, the father, and son held criminal intercourse with the said harlot, Betsy.

Answer: It was my opinion, and I understand it to be the opinion of every gentleman of both parties, American and Spanish, that the Ellicott's, both father and son,held, and continued a beastly, criminal and disgraceful intercourse, with the said harlot Betsy.

J.F.H. Claiborne in his 1880 history of Mississippi makes this statement about Thomas Freeman's testimony:

"As Mr. Ellicott, in his journal and official correspondence traduced many worthy persons living and dead, and did not hesitate to break open private letters, surreptitiously obtained, and represents himself as pure and immaculate, it is but justice to show what manner of man he was. This can be seen by reference to the deposition of Major Thomas Freeman before the court-martial at Frederick, convened September 1, 1811, for the trial of Major-General James Wilkinson. The witness was a man of the highest character, then and until his death holding a responsible position under government, and he charges Ellicott, under oath, with untruthfulness and official corruption, and with conduct personally and most degrading, indecent and beastly."

So the next time you look at an Alabama property deed or drive down by the Florida line, the demarcation between the Anglo-Saxon civilization of the U.S. and the Latin civilization of Florida in 1799, think about Betsy- Mr. Ellicott's washerwoman. She was probably the first woman from the United States to see the 381 miles of impenetrable wilderness between the Mississippi and the Chattahoochee Rivers. By cleaning Ellicott's linen, Betsy added a civilizing touch to the survey party, but her place in history is assured because Betsy was the first of a legion of American "ladies of the evening" who followed the almighty dollar down the Mississippi River to the rowdier sections of Natchez, New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola.

She survived the Ellicotts, Indian attacks, a voyage around the peninsula of Florida, a trip up the St. Mary's River to Okefenokee Swamp
& when her story was used in court,
she allowed Major General James Wilkinson, a clever scoundrel whose reputation is rivaled only by Benedict Arnold,
to get away with 23 years of espionage.

These links below the image are not working well so try clicking on

My son,Christopher,on the Black Warrior River near Tuscaloosa
image courtesy of

Christopher behind his cabin on Little Hurricane Creek
image courtesy of

A Cypress Sailing Lugger at Vermilionville
image courtesy of

“The advantage of public displays of boatbuilding is that it has the possibility to inspire. A visitor can be inspired by the skill and the knowledge to be able to build a boat. It can instruct and inspire people even though they never will build a boat. Tradition is not dead as long as it resides in the mind of someone who experienced it. It can always be revived.”
Dr. Ray Brassieur, Cultural Anthropologist at The University of Louisiana Lafayette
-from BUILDING A LEGACY: Boat Building in Louisiana


Thursday afternoon found me turning over all of my business's responsibilities to my 18-year old son, Christopher. I was desperate to get out of town so I
T.O.ed a Friday Section 8 inspection to Christopher knowing full well that it would be more of HUD punch list rather than a "real" inspection.
Right from the git-go we all knew we would fail but we needed to know HOW WE WOULD FAIL.
It were a great opportunity for Christopher to pop his cherry with the housing authority.

By four o'clock I'd packed the Exploder & I off to the races down U.S.82.
Less than three hours later, I was at Gellie's Estate in Wetumpka.

Gellerstedt was sitting on his patio when I walked up & he said, "Look at the deer."
I looked to my side and there in Gellie's back yard I saw a deer so I quietly sat down.

Gellie said, "Just wait, another one will come up."

We greeted each other and I popped my first brew of the day.
By the time I finished my Milwaukee's BEAST, we had a spike and two does feeding in the backyard.

Gellie sez that the record for deer in his backyard is twelve. Not many of them sport a big rack but to me times have damn sho' changed when you can look out your kitchen window in your Alabama neighborhood and see deer every morning and every evening. All of us cats from my Down Home Generation were in our teens before we'd ever seen our first deer.

Best to drive slow at night near Gellie's place. The deer appear on the pavement in front of your vehicle so quickly they remind you of ghosts.

Got up the next morning and had coffee with Scott and we walked over to his office behind his house and I had an extraordinary conversation with Scott's father, Sonny.
I could talk to that cat FOREVER but I had to get to the beach.

Before I left Tuscaloosa Thursday afternoon, I'd called Buie and we planned to have lunch in Eufaula. I cruised down 231 , took a left on 82 and barrelled through Bullock to Barbour and old Eufaula.

I'd gotten to Eufaula too early for lunch so I stopped by the Historic Chattahoochee Commission to see Purcell but he'd taken Friday off to play golf. I'd wanted to talk to him about doing something about the old 1824 Military Road from Pensacola to Ft. Mitchell in Russell County.

I walked down an alley & called Buie.
He still had about 8 holes to play so we called off our lunch & after a little cruise around downtown Eufaula I headed for Henry.

At County Line Primitive Baptist Church on the Barbour-Henry line, I visited the graves of my Belcher kin.

When you visit your people's final resting place, you always learn something about your family in the graveyard.

Holy smoke, those Alabammy State Troopers and they console printers
were busier than a one armed paper hanger writing tickets on 431 Friday morning, August 17, 2007.

Every joker I met from Atlanta at the beach, I ragged about the tickets on 431.
Whoa, they didn't think it was as funny as I did!

I skipped kinfolks in Dothan & shrimp at the Circle Grill to continue my quest to party with Alison at Miz Newby's on Panty-Maw City Beach. I did go by McNeil Farms near the Dothan VFW and bought $8 worth of boiled peanuts.

I stopped in Chipley at the "antique store" with the Elvis statue out front. Found a book by a preacher's wife reminiscing about growing up on St. Andrews Bay 90 years ago so I bought it for Kathy.

Scott had told me to ask the bartender at Miz Newby's about Robert Nomberg so as soon as I said "Robert Nomberg" it was "OPEN-SEZ-A-MEE" fo' me at Miz Newby's. Neck thang yuzzz knowed , the bartender had introduced me to a maintenance man employed by a nearby condo & after I'd memorized the business card he gave me, I was hot on the trail of three night stay in a $475,000 condominium for fifty bucks a night. I got it & I mean to show that most of the questions I have received since coming back to T-town have been about THE REAL ESTATE DISASTER ON THE COAST!

After making friends with the bikers at Miz Newby's by feeding them boiled peanuts,
[I swear THE DAMN YANKEES kill me. I literally can imagine some Yankee riding down the road down here and saying,"Look at that shit! These stupid lazy rednecks won't even clean that moss off those limbs & it's killing that poor tree!"]
I met Nix & Alison at their 5 o'clock soundcheck and by 8 we were rockin'.
The big news that night was that I met the other members of the band:
Jeff, Will & Evan.
All these cats are major talents & I'll get you their resumes as soon as I can.
Jim Lancaster from Playground
in VP
showed up at Miz Newby's with the cat who wrote the liner notes for the Soul Resurrection Vol. 1.

Here's his review of Alison's performance-

Alison was at Ms Newby's in PCB this weekend. We took a Playground crew cross the bridge to go see Alison and Robert. Ms Newby's is mainly a liquor store with outside bar and bandstand kinda like the old days. In 100 degree heat under "steam" fans and tons of Harleys, Robert, Alison and her 5 pc. band rocked the beach! With a stout southern rock blues foundation, Alison delivers her "straight to the point" lyrics in her songs with a southern "Joplin-esque" vocal approach that scorched the crowd of legends and monsters.
I'll get one of my computer Gurus to attach her my space link here.
Alison has a CD that is a must for Southern Rock fans, simply entitled "Alison Heafner" available on her my space page...
Also ran into Panhandle historian Robert "Ka$h" Register from T-Town... check out Robert's blog site called Zero, Northwest Florida...

well worth the time.

I can say is we danced the night away!

Sattiddee was so nice. Laid around in bed eating pineapple, reading and watching Godfather 1 & 2 on the tube.

Got down to Pappy's in St. Andrews, had a couple of beers with my Rouladen & talked about old times with the German owner and her customers. She's been in business across from the docks since about '82.

Everyone was excited Saturday night because Miz Newby's had contracted with the band to play THUNDER BEACH in September

A couple of strippers showed up in some short sheer dresses & both of them danced as if they were very uncomfortable being clothed. The girl who danced with me acted as if she was ready to "RAISE HELL & GO NEKKID!" [official class slogan of the DHS Class of '68]
at any moment. She put on quite a show which was a stirring tribute to all sexy women from time in memoriam!
Some of our friends from Little Dothan in Old St. Andrews also showed up so we all had a wonderful night of dancing to Alison's music with new & old friends at Miz Newby's.

Sunday morning found me still in one piece sipping coffee & eating breakfast with an old friend's family in their home overlooking St. Andrews Bay. What a great way to spend my last day at the beach!

I made it to Miz Newby's Sunday afternoon for Alison's last two sets. The place was rocking and the dance floor was invaded by THE SEA HAGS. At one time I found myself dancing with three of these snaggle toothed denizens of the deep.
I could take it but I could hardly take it as I boogied into sundown with a ONE BAGGER, A TWO BAGGER & A FOUR BAGGER dancing with me AT THE SAME TIME on the dance floor!

After saying goodbye to Alison & the band, I retired to my condo and prepared for an early morning trip north to Tuscaloosa.

By 8 o'clock the next morning I'd made it to Hartford before I had one of my "Letzzzzzzzzz
Go Out & Smell The Roses Moments"
& decided to take a left & head for Florala.

My 24 hour 200 mile detour didn't accomplish much.

image of Lake Jackson courtesy of

I did collect some old boards & pegs from a cypress boat on the bottom of Lake Jackson & managed to get them back to Tuscaloosa by 11 the next morning.

I walked back into the office ready for work in my new Laurel Hill Hobo Days T-shirt and heard Kevin cry out, "Welcome back to HELL!"

image courtesy of

Thanks everybody!
It was worth every minute of cussing I got when I finally got back to T-town.



You & I have been corresponding now for about 10 years.
Now I'd like to axe you some queerstions just like all those students do.
-- Robert Register

Question #3:
What were your impressions of Pensacola & Northwest Florida before Vietnam & what were your impressions when you returned with The Pranksters in the summer of '64?

In 1960 I lived in a small house behind a bigger house on the beach at Pensacola a little east of the naval base where I was tootling on my motor scooter to flight school every day, parking the scooter and going to classes and later to the flight line for airy romps over Alabama before returning home to a swim in the gulf, pretty much unvaried for a year, didn't see much of the natives, my work was too time consuming.

In 1964, aboard the bus, Further, we left Larry McMurtry's house in Houston and slunk east to New Orleans and bugged outta there to Pensacola to a shaded grove where an old squadron mate from my Marine helicopter days was living, sharing the place with three other pilots, all of them instructors in flight school. I saluted the off duty officer and we made ourselves at home for an evening of barbecuing and exchanging lies, then in the morning after the men went to work, we tidied up and hit the road again. I remember long tendrils of moss, mosquitos buzzing, exotic animal noises from the woods, retching in the bushes, hoots of unabashed joy, sparks rising.

Question #4:
Do you remember any of the highways you took or the towns you visited between Pensacola Beach & New York City?

We left Pensacola and angled up to catch the Blue Ridge Highway and rode it in the cool of the night with the music going and the windows open and everyone enjoying the ride until we started down the other side and Cassady revealed the brakes were out. An edge of the seat descent with Cassady downshifting to keep our speed in check, perilous turns and knucklebiting encounters with other rigs until voila, nothing to it, safe arrival onto level ground, ensuing a heartfelt happy ceremony in which Speed Limit, Cassady's bus trip name, was changed to Sir Limit when we beknighted the abashed, aw shucks twere nothing, gawrsh, driver extrodenaire, non pareil, Neal Cassady hisself.

image courtesy of

It's better to be coming down than to have never been high at all.
-- Mal Function
Wanta yak with the Capn? Click on:

Give them what they want. Give them their money's worth.
-- skypilotclub motto


Yesterday, I did a telephone interview with BBC radio in England. The subject was a poem Alan Ginsberg wrote about the time the Hells Angels came to Kesey's house in La Honda California in December 1965. I recorded my answers to their questions on my computer and when we were done I emailed them the .wav sound files. Took forever but it was a first for me, to not only do the interview but record it myself and then transmit it over the internet. Here's the poem:

Cool black night thru redwoods
cars parked outside in shade
behind the gate, stars dim above
the ravine, a fire burning by the side
porch and a few tired souls hunched over
in black leather jackets. In the huge
wooden house, a yellow chandelier
at 3 A.M. the blast of loudspeakers
hi-fi Rolling Stones Ray Charles Beatles
Jumping Joe Jackson and twenty youths
dancing to the vibration thru the floor,
a little weed in the bathroom, girls in scarlet
tights, one muscular smooth skinned man
sweating dancing for hours, beer cans
bent littering the yard, a hanged man
sculpture dangling from a high creek branch,
children sleeping softly in their bedroom bunks.
And 4 police cars parked outside the painted
gate, red lights revolving in the leaves.

-- Allen Ginsberg

The radio program, called "Adventures in Poetry" is due to go out on Radio 4 UK on Sunday October 21, and you'll be able to hear it for seven days after that (if you have realplayer) on:

Subject: RE: BOB & EARL'S DAY AT THE BEACH plus Wm.'s Directions Fo' Da Way out uv Iraq!
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:28:46 +1000
Hi Roberto
I did enjoy your journey to the beach with Earl.
what a cool guy.
The apple doesn't
fall too far from the tree they say.
your old friend from the land downunder

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Finally got back from PCB.
Had a superb Thursday afternoon until Tuesday morning vacation
even though Karen, our property manager, got mad at me for showing up at 11 today.
I'll give more details later but
I got to attend all three performances by Alison
at Miss Newby's on the beach.
She rocked the house along with Nix on drums, Evan on guitar, Will on guitar and Jeff on bass & keyboards.
Absolutely one of my most enjoyable weekends in memory.

The big news coming out of this

is dat Alison got the contract to be Newby's band for THUNDER BEACH
September 27-30. START SAVING YO' PENNIES so you can afford some uv dem Miz Newby's HUNCH PUNCHES NECK MONTH!!!!
Mo' details later.
Here's all of the photos of the Candymen that Justo sent Nix last week.

Let me hear from ya'...


The Candymen Performing at Miami Beach's ParTee

Robert Nix at Miami Beach's ParTee

The Candymen at The ParTee

Pretty sho' dat middle picture is of Justo wearing the shirt he stole from John Rainey which had been made for MICK JAGGER!

These photos (except the one with Graham Nash which was made at Abbey Road) were all made at the ParTee in Miami.
This was before Dean Daughtry joined us and we had Bobby Peterson, so I'd say that it was in 1965.
We got those horredous white suits in Nashville,and the polka dotted shirts as well as the "Tom Jones" shirts from a place called Beau Brummel in Hollywood, Ca.
You can see that we weren't even sure how to have long hair yet.
Kinda' the Beach Boys meet the Beatles by way of Porter Wagoner.
By the time we got to England it was another story,we were prepared, not to mention, quite honestly, pretty cocky.
I eventually borrowed, (O.K. stole) that shirt from John Rainey which was originally made for Mick Jagger, by a store in Vancouver we used to frequent, called Glad Rags for Bad Boys.
I'm glad to know you got the photos, because I e-mailed them to Nix and I thought that he didn't get them.
Hey F#cker, did you get the rest of them? I'm not even sure which e-mail address is correct.
I have some picture you'd LOVE to have.
Best Wishes................

Many thanks go out to rbiii for turning us on to the fact that the Chattahoochee Trace is up for designation at a national heritage site. Ironically, I stopped by Doug Purcell's office in Eufaula Friday morning but he'd taken the day off to play golf.
Check it out

Alabama Curiosities

Interesting bits of Alabamiana collected by Andy Duncan, author of Alabama Curiosities (Globe Pequot Press, 2005).
Friday, February 10, 2006
Turned on, tuned in, kicked out

The late counterculture guru and LSD advocate Timothy Leary, famed for his 1960s motto “Turn on, tune in, drop out,” was an undergraduate in the 1940s at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.

Leary was most familiar at the time with the traditional undergraduate drug, alcohol. By the time the Massachusetts native came to Tuscaloosa, he already had been kicked out of West Point for a liquor bust. But his interest in harder drugs seems to have come much later, after he left Alabama for good.

The head of the UA psychology department told Leary that he needed intelligent students, and this much impressed the young man. Leary later recalled: “This was the first time in my life that I had heard anyone imply intelligence was a desirable trait. Up to this moment being smart had always got me in trouble. Conformity was the virtue I was used to hearing about.”

Leary got into trouble on the Tuscaloosa campus not for alcohol but for another time-honored reason: spending the night with a girlfriend in her dormitory. (Which dorm, I wonder?)

He was kicked out of school again, an act with serious consequences in the middle of World War II. Leary lost his draft deferment and was sent to artillery training at Fort Eustis, Va.

But the Army needed psychologists as well as artillerymen, and the former head of the UA psychology department was now chief psychologist at an Army hospital in Pennsylvania. Leary was allowed to complete his UA degree in the Army in 1943 and transfer to his mentor’s hospital, which is where his medical career began.

Leary’s interest in hallucinogens apparently dates from 1957, after his wife’s suicide, when as a researcher at the Kaiser Foundation he read an article about them in Life magazine.

It’s interesting that the two most influential LSD researchers of the 20th century both spent years in Tuscaloosa: Leary as a UA undergrad in the 1940s and (as I wrote about in the book Alabama Curiosities) Humphry Osmond on staff at Bryce Hospital from 1971 to 1992.
Could it be something in the water?

posted by Andy Duncan at 8:58 AM

Question #4:
Do you remember any of the highways you took or the towns you visited
between Pensacola Beach & New York City?

We left Pensacola and angled up to catch the Blue Ridge Highway and
rode it in the cool of the night with the music going and the windows
open and everyone enjoying the ride until we started down the other
side and Cassady revealed the brakes were out. An edge of the seat
descent with Cassady downshifting to keep our speed in check,
perilous turns and knucklebiting encounters with other rigs until
voila, nothing to it, safe arrival onto level ground, ensuing a
heartfelt happy ceremony in which Speed Limit, Cassady's bus trip
name, was changed to Sir Limit when we beknighted the abashed, aw
shucks twere nothing, gawrsh, driver extrodenaire, non pareil, Neal
Cassady hisself.


"I'm shopping around for something to do that no one will like."
--Jerry Garcia

We’ll have to have it (national exposure) before we could take the risk of a second printing.
Even selling out the first will still find us over six figures in the hole but we sure are having a good time.

Rock on


Thanks much for the chronology of John McKee's life.

I'll be looking into those references you sent earlier.


Jo Ann Trogdon

Thanks for keeping on keeping on in getting photos from the great days of rock and roll.
I have a 45 of the Candymen (Georgia Pines/Movies In My Mind) that I have kept to make a collage and have been waiting for enough photos.
You came through for us again.

& last but not freakin' least
I gotta nice email about Colonel John McKee from my good friend, 95 year- old James Fletcher Foster.

In re:
John McKee, have you consulted the letters of the Secretary of War?
This is quite a large collection, and it is on microfilm.
-- J.F.Doster. 8/14/07,2&CNT=50&Search%5FArg=doster%2C%20james%20f%2E&Search%5FCode=NAME&PID=a2Jl19VGv8BNjJ2tAL-4UaFwZlo4&HIST=0&SEQ=20070822022504&SID=1